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Products related to Certification:

  • Museums and Interactive Virtual Learning
    Museums and Interactive Virtual Learning

    Museums and Interactive Virtual Learning provides informal educators with practical resources that will help them to build dynamic digital engagement experiences within their own cultural organizations. Presenting vignettes from experienced museum educators and end users, as well as scientific data and practical resources, the book highlights the mutual benefits that Interactive Virtual Learning (IVL) programs offer to the museum and those visiting from a distance.Chapters mirror the step-by-step process of developing reputable IVL programs and emphasize how important it is for cultural organizations to encourage cross-departmental collaboration, if they wish to ensure that their programs align with the overall goals of the organization.Providing a thorough overview of the technologies, budget, marketing and staff requirements, the authors offer a realistic depiction of the work involved in building content for digital engagement.Emphasizing the importance of assessing existing programming, the book shows how institutions can adapt content to fit a virtual format and create inclusive digital engagement opportunities that reach local, national, and international audiences. Museums and Interactive Virtual Learning is an essential guide for professionals who are tasked with interpreting the content of a cultural organization and building lasting digital engagement opportunities.It will be particularly useful to those looking to reach diverse audiences.

    Price: 33.99 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • CompTIA Server+ Certification : Complete coverage of all CompTIA Server+ certification objectives
    CompTIA Server+ Certification : Complete coverage of all CompTIA Server+ certification objectives

    Price: 32.99 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
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    certification small label sticker bicycle union certification label bicycle decals customize frame

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    Price: 1.28 £ | Shipping*: 2.41 £
  • CompTIA A+ Certification (220-1101 & 220-1102) Training with Official CompTIA Certification Exams
    CompTIA A+ Certification (220-1101 & 220-1102) Training with Official CompTIA Certification Exams

    Course Description Are you looking for a rewarding career in IT? Do you have what it takes to be a success in this exciting field? Then you need to check out CompTIA A+ (220-1101 -Core 1) (220-1102 – Core 2). This is the perfect course to start your career in IT. Not only will you learn all the basics of information technology, but you’ll also be prepared to take your place in this growing industry.CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for entry-level IT certification. It is recognized worldwide as the premier certification for IT professionals. With CompTIA A+, you’ll be able to show employers that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in this rapidly growing field.The CompTIA A+ (220-1101 -Core 1) (220-1102 – Core 2) course is designed to prepare students for a career in IT. The course covers the essentials of hardware and software, including troubleshooting, installation, and configuration. Students will learn how to work with PC components, peripherals, and mobile devices. They will also gain an understanding of network fundamentals, security, and operational procedures. Upon completion of the course, students will be prepared to take the CompTIA A+ (220-1101 -Core 1) (220-1102 – Core 2) exams.The course covers the following topics: Hardware Fundamentals Software Fundamentals Troubleshooting hardware and software issues Installing and configuring PC components Working with mobile devices Understanding network fundamentals Implementing security measures Following best practices for operational procedures. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Identify and explain the basic functions of hardware and software components Troubleshoot common hardware and software issues Install and configure PC components Work with mobile devices Understand network fundamentals Implement security measures Follow best practices for operational procedures. This course prepares students for the CompTIA A+ (220-1101 – Core 1) (220-1102 – Core 2) exams. Upon successful completion of the exams, students will earn the CompTIA A+ certification. The CompTIA A+ certification is globally recognized and is a valuable asset for anyone pursuing a career in IT.CompTIA A+ prepares candidates for the following job roles: IT Support Specialist Helpdesk Technician Field Technician Tier I Support Specialist Desktop Support Specialist Associate Network Engineer Systems Support Technician Junior Systems Administrator Package Includes (12 months access): 258 videos 38.5 Hours of Video Content Copies of all Instructional Slides Flashcards Games Live Practice Labs Practice Exam Questions/Test Official CompTIA Certification Exams 220-1101 and 220-1102 Enroll now to get started on your exciting new IT career!!! Course Outline CompTIA A+ 220-1101 (Core 1)Module 1 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Devices, Setups, and Installs1.1 Introduction to the Course, Meet the Instructor1.2 Appropriate Safety Procedures1.3 PC Components1.4 Guidlines for PC Disassembly1.5 Motherboards1.6 CPU Sockets1.7 PCI Bus1.8 Storage Bus (SATA and IDE)1.9 Discussing PC Components1.10 Common Connection Interfaces1.11 Wired and Wireless Connection Standards1.12 Install Peripheral Devices1.13 Guidlines and Discussion for Installing Peripheral DevicesModule 2 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Displays and Multimedia Devices2.1 Displays and Multimedia2.2 Display Device Connections and Cables2.3 Discussing Display Device Installation and Configuration2.4 Troubleshoot Display Devices2.5 Guidelines for Troubleshooting Display Devices2.6 Discussing Display Device Troubleshooting2.7 Install and Configure Multimedia Devices2.8 Discussing Multimedia Device Installation and ConfigurationModule 3 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Supporting Multiple Drive Types3.1 Supporting Multiple Drive Types and Memory3.2 Memory Types3.3 RAM Types3.4 Memory Modules3.5 DIMM and SO-DIMM Technologies3.6 Parity and ECC RAM3.7 Memory Compatibility Issues3.8 Discussing System Memory Installation3.9 Install and Configure Mass Storage Devices3.10 Storage Adapters and Cables3.11 Solid State Drives3.12 Guidlines for Installing Mass Storage Devices3.13 Discussing Mass Storage Device Installation and Configuration3.14 Install and Configure Removable Storage3.15 Discussing Removable Storage Device Istallation and Configuration3.16 Configure RAID3.17 RAID Configuration Options3.18 Discussing RAID Configuration3.19 Troubleshoot Storage Devices3.20 Boot Failures3.21 Discussing Storage Device TroubleshootingModule 4 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Accounting for CPUs and Internal Components4.1 Install Upgrade CPUs4.2 Multiprocessing and Multicore Processors4.3 Discussing CPU Upgrades4.4 Configure and Update BIOS UEFI4.5 Discussing BOIS-UEFI Configuration and Updates4.6 Install Power Supplies4.7 Discussing Power Supply Installation4.8 Troubleshoot Internal System Components4.9 POST and Boot Problems4.10 Boot Troubleshooting and Log Entries4.11 Motherboard Component Problems4.12 Discussing System Component TroubleshootingModule 5 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 All About Network Theories5.1 Wired Networks5.2 Common Ethernet Network Implementations5.3 Taps and Mirrors5.4 Discussing Wired Networks5.5 Network Hardware Devices5.6 Switches5.7 Power Over Ethernet5.8 Discussing Network Hardware Devices5.9 Wireless Networks5.10 Access Points and Wireless Network Modes5.11 Discussing Wireless Networks5.12 Internet Connection Types5.13 Wireless Internet Service Providers WISP5.14 Discussing Internet Connection Types5.15 Network Configuration Concepts5.16 The TCIP-IP Protocol Suite5.17 Internet Protocol and IP Addressing5.18 Public and Private IP Addresses5.19 IPv65.20 Discussing Network Configuration Concepts5.21 Network Services5.22 DNS5.23 Dynamic and Static IP Configurations5.24 DNS Records MX and A5.25 Web Servers and HTTP-HTTPS5.26 Discussing Network ServicesModule 6 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Network Operations and Diagnostics6.1 Configuring and Troubleshooting Networks6.2 Network Connections in Windows6.3 Install and Configure SOHO Networks6.4 Configure SOHO Network Security6.5 Firewalls6.6 Port Fowarding and Port Triggering6.7 Windows Firewall6.8 Network Security and Embedded Appliances6.9 Configure Remote Access6.10 Discussing Remote Access Configuration6.11 Troubleshoot Network Connections6.12 IP Configuration Issues6.13 Routing Issues6.14 Discussing Network Connection TroubleshootingModule 7 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Cloud and Virtualization Computing7.1 Configure Client-Side Virtulaization7.2 Hypervisors7.3 Processor Support and Resource Requirements7.4 Virtual Networks7.5 Client-Side Virtualization7.6 Cloud Computing Concepts7.7 Internal and External Shared Resources7.8 Cloud Service Options7.9 Virtual Desktops7.10 Software-Defined Networking (SDN)7.11 Discussing Cloud Computing ConceptsModule 8 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Laptop Features and Troubleshooting8.1 Use Laptop Features8.2 Expansion Options8.3 Discussing Laptop Features8.4 Install and Configure Laptop Hardware8.5 Discussing Laptop Hardware Installation and Configuration8.6 Troubleshoot Common Laptop Issues8.7 Discussing Troubleshooting Common laptop IssuesModule 9 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 Syncing and Setup of Mobile Devices9.1 Syncing and Setup of Mobile Devices9.2 Connect and Configure Mobile Devices9.3 Configure Mobile Device Network Connectivity9.4 Mobile VPN Configuration9.5 Email Configuration Options9.6 Discussing Mobile Device Network Connectivity Configuration9.7 Support Mobile Apps9.8 Discussing Mobile App SupportModule 10 - CompTIA A+ 220-1101 All Things Printing10.1 All Things Printing10.2 Discussing Laser Printer Maintenance10.3 Maintain Inkjet Printers10.4 Discussing Inkjet Printer Maintenance10.5 Maintain Impact, Thermal, and 3D Printers10.6 Discussing Impact, Thermal, and 3D Printer Maintenance10.7 Install and Configure Printers10.8 Discussing Printer Installation and Configuration10.9 Troubleshoot Print Device Issues10.10 Install and Configure Imaging Devices10.11 Discussing Device Installation and ConfigurationCompTIA A+ 220-1102 (Core 2)Module 1 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Operating System Management1.1 Introduction to the Course, Meet the Instructor1.2 Identify Common Operating Systems1.3 Microsoft Windows1.4 Work and Education Features1.5 Windows System Limits1.6 Apple Operating Systems1.7 Linux Disk and File Management1.8 Discussing OS Types1.9 Use Windows Features and Tools1.10 Administrative Tools1.11 Manage Files in Windows1.12 System Hierarchies1.13 File Attributes1.14 Discussing Windows Features and Tools1.15 Manage Disks in Windows1.16 Discussing File Management in Windows1.17 The Windows Disk Management Console1.18 Discussing Windows Disk Management1.19 Manage Devices in Windows1.20 Device Manager1.21 Discussing Windows Device ManagerModule 2 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Configuring and installing the OS2.1 Configuring and Installing the OS2.2 Installation Boot Methods2.3 Disk Formatting and Partitioning2.4 Networking Considerations2.5 Post Installation Tasks2.6 OS Installation Types2.7 Unattended Installations2.8 Maintain OSs2.9 OS Updates2.10 Anti-Malware Updates2.11 Scheduled Backups2.12 Task Schedulers part 12.13 Task Schedulers part 22.14 Install Windows 10 Demonstration2.15 Discussing OS MaintenanceModule 3 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Tools to Troubleshoot and Maintain the OS3.1 Install and Manage Windows Applications3.2 Windows OS Tools3.3 Application and Print Services3.4 Task Manager3.5 Manage Windows Performance3.6 Windows Performance Management Tools3.7 Troubleshoot Windows3.8 Event Viewer3.9 The System Configuration Utility3.10 Troubleshooting Tips Boot Process3.11 Troubleshooting Tips for Windows System Issues3.12 Blue Screens and Spontaneous Shutdowns3.13 Troubleshooting Tips for File and Memory Corruption3.14 Safe Boot3.15 System Repair Disc3.16 System Restore3.17 Guidelines for Troubleshooting Windows IssuesModule 4 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Network Management Tools4.1 Network Management Tools4.2 Network Connectivity4.3 IP Addressing and Connection Types4.4 Proxy Settings4.5 Windows Client Configuration4.6 Location Services4.7 Firewalls4.8 Network Troubleshooting4.9 Remote Desktop Tools4.10 Desktop Management and Remote Monitoring Tools4.11 Disscussion TopicsModule 5 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Sharing Resources and Wrights Management5.1 Sharing Resources and Wrights Management5.2 User Group Accounts5.3 Local Secutity Policy5.4 SSO and Credential Manager5.5 Workgroups and Homegroups5.6 Network and Sharing Center5.7 Network Share Configuration5.8 NTSF File and Folder Permissions5.9 Configure Active Directory Accounts and Policies5.10 Domain Membership and Group Policy Objects5.11 Basic AD Functions5.12 Account Locks and Password ResetsModule 6 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Threats and Security Measures6.1 Threats and Security Measures6.2 Logical Security Concepts6.3 Encryption6.4 PKI and Certificates6.5 Execution Control6.6 NAC6.7 Discussing Logical Decurity Concepts6.8 Threats and Vulnerablilities6.9 Types of Password Attacks6.10 Discussing Threats and Vulnerabilities6.11 Physical Security Controls6.12 Discussing Physical Security MeasuresModule 7 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Policies to Protect Data7.1 Policies to Protect Data7.2 Implement Security Best Practices7.3 Guidlines for Implementing Security Best Practices7.4 Discussing Security Best Practices Implementation7.5 Implement Data Protection Policies7.6 ACLs and Directory Permissions7.7 Full Disk Encryption7.8 Guildlines for Implementing Data Protection Policies7.9 Discussing Data Protection Policies7.10 Protect Data During Incident Response7.11 Discussing Data Protection During Incident ResponseModule 8 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Prevent Malware and Security Threats8.1 Prevent Malware and Security Threats8.2 Detect, Remove, and Prevent Malware8.3 Trojan Horses and Spyware8.4 Sources of Malware Infection8.5 Best Practices for Malware Removal8.6 Discussing Detecting, Removing, and Preventing Malware Infections8.7 Troubleshoot Common Workstation Security Issues8.8 Discussing Troubleshoot Common Workstation Security IssuesModule 9 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Supporting and Troubleshooting MobileDevices9.1 Supporting and Troubleshooting Mobile Devices9.2 Secure Mobile Devices9.3 IOT Internet of Things9.4 Discussing Mobile Device Security9.5 Troubleshoot Mobile Device Issues9.6 Mobile Device Security Troubleshooting9.7 Discussing Troubleshooting Mobile DevicesModule 10 - CompTIA A+ 220-1102 Implementing Operational Procedures10.1 Implementing Operational Procedures10.2 Environmental Impacts and Controls10.3 Discussing Environmental Impact and Controls10.4 Create and Maintain Documentation10.5 Discussing Documentation Creation and Maintenance10.6 Use Basic Change Management Best Practices10.7 Discussing Change Management Best Practices10.8 Implement Disaster Prevention and Recovery Methods10.9 Discussing Implement Disaster Prevention and Recovery Methods10.10 Basic Scripting Concepts10.11 Discussing Scripting10.12 Professionalism and Communication10.13 Discussing Professionalism and Communication SkillsNeed to train your Team? Contact Us for Discounts on Multiple Subscription Purchases.

    Price: 495.00 £ | Shipping*: £

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  • Cisco Certification Complete Training Bundle
    Cisco Certification Complete Training Bundle

    If you're looking for the best value in Cisco training, look no further! Cisco certifications are widely respected in the IT industry and some of the most sought after certifications available in the IT field today! Cisco Certifications bring valuable, measurable rewards to network professionals, their managers, and the organizations that employ them. The Cisco learning bundle is a complete resource for all your Cisco training. This bundle will give you the skills needed to master the CCNA and CCNP suite of certifications. For individual Course Outlines click on the links below: Cisco 200-301: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Cisco 350-401: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) (CCNP) Cisco 210-060 CICD: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices Cisco 210-065 CIVND: Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices Cisco 210-260 IINS: Implementing Cisco Network Security Cisco 200-355: Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals Cisco ROUTE 300-101 Cisco SWITCH 300-115 Cisco TSHOOT 300-135 Cisco 640-864: CCDA Cisco Certified Design Associate Cisco 640-461: Cisco Voice and Unified Communications Administration Many students ask us why we create our larger bundles, when most people probably wouldn't have time to complete all the courses inside the 12 month subscription window...Well, essentially they're created to enable you to dip in and out of multiple related programs and obtain cross-referenced knowledge; the intention is not for you to study it all or sit all the exams! With any kind of technical learning, building your background knowledge on closely related areas makes a lot of sense. Therefore, having access to a wide range of connected programs enables you to research related topics to the actual program you're studying for (often just watching the video/tutorial), enhancing your overall understanding. This is why we create the larger bundles; to build the breadth of your knowledge. Also, many IT professionals use them as reference material after certification, as we usually provide discounts on subsequent re-subscription - to enable you to have the material as a constant professional reference. The Cisco Certification Complete Training Bundle by Learn365 contains all of the following courses: Cisco 200-301: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Cisco 350-401: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) (CCNP) Cisco 210-060 CICD: Implementing Cisco Collaboration Devices Cisco 210-065 CIVND: Implementing Cisco Video Network Devices Cisco 210-260 IINS: Implementing Cisco Network Security Cisco 200-355: Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals Cisco ROUTE 300-101 Cisco SWITCH 300-115 Cisco TSHOOT 300-135 Cisco 640-864: CCDA Cisco Certified Design Associate Cisco 640-461: Cisco Voice and Unified Communications Administration LEARN365 Courses Include 12 Months Unlimited Online Access to: Expert Instructor-Led Training: Learn 365 uses only the industry's finest instructors in the IT industry. They have a minimum of 15 years real-world experience and are subject matter experts in their fields. Unlike a live class, you can fast-forward, repeat or rewind all your lectures. This creates a personal learning experience and gives you all the benefit of hands-on training with the flexibility of doing it around your schedule 24/7. Visual Demonstrations andamp; Multimedia Presentations: Our courseware includes instructor-led demonstrations and visual presentations that allow students to develop their skills based on real world scenarios explained by the instructor. Learn 365 always focuses on real world scenarios and skill-set development. Quizzes andamp; Exam Simulators: Learn 365's custom practice exams prepare you for your exams differently and more effectively than the traditional exam preps on the market. You will have practice quizzes after each module to ensure you are confident on the topic you have completed before proceeding. This will allow you to gauge your effectiveness before moving to the next module in your course. Learn 365 courses also include practice exams designed to replicate and mirror the environment in the testing center. These exams are on average 100 questions to ensure you are 100% prepared before taking your certification exam. Social Learning andamp; Networking: Learn 365 has designed a world class Learning Management System (LMS). This system allows you to interact and collaborate with other students and Learn 365 employees, form study groups, engage in discussions in our NOW@ Forums, rate and like different courses and stay up to date with all the latest industry knowledge through our forums, student contributions and announcement features. Flash Cards andamp; Educational Games: IT online learning knows that education is not a one size fits all approach. Students learn in different ways through different tools. That is why we provide Flash Cards and Education Games throughout our courses. This will allow you to train in ways that keep you engaged and focused. Each course will have dozens of Flash Cards so you can sharpen your skill-sets throughout your training as well as educational games designed to make sure your retention level of the materials is extremely high. Navigation and Controls: Learn 365's self-paced training programs are designed in a modular fashion to allow you the flexibility to work with expert level instruction anytime 24/7. All courses are arranged in defined sections with navigation controls allowing you to control the pace of your training. This allows students to learn at their own pace around their schedule. Certificate of Completion: Upon completion of your training course, you will receive a Certificate of completion displaying your full name, course completed as well as the date of completion. You can print this out or save it digitally to showcase your accomplishment. Need to train your Team? Contact Us for Discounts on Multiple Subscription Purchases.

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    Price: 120.00 £ | Shipping*: £

* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.